It seems Paypal uses their currency conversion process as the default option, when you make payments using foreign currency. Following is the guide to change it to your card conversion.
My Account -> Profile -> My Money -> My preapproved payments -> Update -> See Available Funding Sources (or Set Available Funding Sources) -> Conversion Options (for card you'd like to change this option)-> Bill me in the currency listed on the seller's invoice -> Submit
the option is still there, but its is VERY hard to find. See process below (source)
the option is still there, but its is VERY hard to find. See process below (source)
1. Gear icon, top right
2 Payments tab near the top (next to security tab)
3. Click on "manage pre-approved payments"
4. On the left hand side, you will see "Can't find what you're looking for? Try the manage preapproved payments page."
4.1 Click on "manage preaproved payments"
5. Now in the old view, look for "set available funding sources" it will be on the right side of the page
6. Finally your credit cards with "conversion options" will appear.
Select option, and save. Close, done.
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